Red Storm captures the ravages of war on the environment and the constant darning, mending, repairing or rafugari as it is known in my native tongue, needed in response. Red Storms leave large-scale devastation and destruction in their wake, which dries the earth of its fertility, and robs us of our psychological stability. The environment is highlighted in the mended landmarks in my work, signifying the damages that unlike the Japanese art of kintsugi, leave etched worn-down marks filled with ominous hues of red. Red Storm is a military assault through war and plunder viewed from above like an all seeing spectator, perched and patiently waiting to patch the foraged land together. Once mended the fabric of land, life and humans weakens, leaving only the bare threads of rafugari in its aftermath, a crumbling of civilization and sustainable development as we know it.
Photo: Emma Jervis